Blogpost assignment #3

          #1 I have noticed that our plant has grown quite a bit in size. Also some of the leaves and stems have changed from green to purple and  back to green. It still is one of the shorter plants in the garden. Overall it is small with green like most plants.

         #2 Our plant like every other plant on earth  absorbs water through it's roots and release the water back into the atmosphere by transportation. This has helped our plant survive because all living organisms need water to survive. Also when our plant releases water that goes into the atmosphere and the water cycle begins again.

            #3 To aid in the carbon cycle our plant absorbs carbon dioxide and it releases oxygen during photosynthesis. This helps our plant grow because carbon dioxide is essential to a plant's growth and when a plant releases oxygen into the atmosphere al, animals including us breath that in.
                 #4 In the nitrogen cycle our plant has bacteria attached to it which then the plant gains nutrients from the bacteria. This helps our plant because of the nutrients that the plant gets from the bacteria.


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