Blogspot assignment #4

                    #1 Some abiotic factors that our plants depend on are the sun, rain/water, and the soil it grows in. All living things need water to live and the sun is part of photosynthesis.  A few biotic factors that our plant needs to survive are worms  that make the soil fertile and lady bugs that kill any insect that eats off of our plant.
                   #2 The plants are competing for the most sunlight. They do this by trying to grow the largest so they can absorb as much as possible.

           #3 The winners are the ones who can grow  to full size and the losers are the ones who die because of the winners. Sometimes the winners are the ones who get the most nutrition. Some times both plants grow to very similar sizes  which makes it hard to declare a winner from a loser.

               #4 After a plant dies their remains fertilize the soil making it easier for other plants to grow and thrive there.

               #5  You can tell this is succession because there were o plants there to start off  because they were removed by an external force. You can tell because there are a few remains of plants that died and have been removed. This is not primary succetion  because the soil was sutable for plants before they were planted there so it has to be secondary sucetion.


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