Nathan Marcus Story of the Seed

For the final story of the seed post of this year, I chose to interview Nathan Marcus about his journey throughout Mr Bursch's honors biology class. I wanted to know about some of his important experiences through his story of the seed project. First of all, Nate learned that kale can sort of grow upside down, but not really. Nate was very surprised by how big kale grows as well!  During his time growing the kale in the garden, he learned how  kale and the environment could interact together. Nate still laughs today about how funny his group was and the great jokes they made together while planting the seeds. As Nate reflects back today, he never would imagine how fast kale can grow and how difficult it is to grow a plant upside down. Overall Nate would do this project again because of all the memorable experiences he had during it. i like to play webkinz


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